07912 888851
"an exceptional mediator, who is easy to work with, trustworthy and focused - his no-nonsense approach is to be admired and he is skilful in handling difficult clients'". 1st CATEGORY RANKING


- Legal 500 2020

 "Patrick Walker 'earns the badge of being absolutely first-class'. 'He has a vast amount of energy and stamina', and sits as a deputy high court judge:'his gravitas and experience on the bench is particularly useful'. He is also quick to'recognise the strengths and weaknesses of the respective parties ' cases', and 'remains good-humoured, yet pushes parties towards settlement.' He is also considered a 'top-pick mediator for commercial property disputes'." 1ST CATEGORY RANKING
- Legal 500
He goes above and beyond, and directs the parties skilfully to the heart of the dispute 
- 1st Category Ranking Legal 500 2021
enjoys a sterling reputation as a mediator.Patrick is attuned to the personalities involved, very well prepared and able to gain the trust of clients."
- 1st CATEGORY RANKING  Chambers & Partners 2021
"He has a great track record and is one of the top mediators in the country."
- 1st category ranking Chambers and Partners 2023
"He is well prepared, impartial and good at gaining trust. He gently guides people in the right direction."
- 1st category ranking Chambers and Partners 2023
"The most effective and easiest mediator to work with on the circuit."
- 1st category ranking and Hall of Fame Legal 500 2023
"always well prepared and quickly hones in on the real issues – great attention to detail, patience and persistence."
- 1st category ranking and Hall of Fame Legal 500 2023
"Patrick is excellent – proactive and with the level of gravitas required for any dispute no matter the parties or complexity. 5/5"
- 22nd November 2023.

Recent Video and in-person feedback



Video Mediation Feedback

“Patrick is the right level of interventionalist. He thought of innovative solutions and I expect without his creativity and perseverance we would not have got a deal (a deal was the right thing for both parties). He was also very personable. 5/5" 3rd June 2024

“Patrick was hugely helpful throughout this entire process. He was highly focused and was helpful in managing both the group sessions and one to one meetings. Very professional, experienced and calm. He picked up key issues quickly. I would like to thank Patrick for his professionalism and hard work for assisting in resolving my client's case. 5/5" 29th April 2024

“Patrick was excellent. Good probing questions, focusing on our weak spots. The only consolation was that he was undoubtedly doing the same to the other side. The last chance options were well thought through. 5/5 ” 20th February 2024

“Another successful mediation with Patrick. A swift and amicable resolution achieved despite the binary starting positions of the parties. Patrick’s commerciality and command of the parties’ positions facilitated the balanced conclusion to the dispute. 5/5” 8th January 2024

"A sterling reputation" 22nd October 2023

"Patrick is excellent – proactive and with the level of gravitas required for any dispute no matter the parties or complexity. 5/5" 22nd November 2023

"Without Patrick’s hard work, commitment and resilience, testing the merits of the claims and defences at every stage of the mediation, and dealing with all issues “head on”, the case would not have settled.  5/5" 20th October 2023

"Very effective and good to work with.  5/5" 20th October 2023

"As anticipated, Patrick was the perfect choice for this dilapidations claim, demonstrating an excellent grasp of the issues and guided the parties to a settlement. 5/5" 20th October 2023

"Well done. At times, I felt like I was being interrogated by Stephen Sackur on Hard Talk, but I assume the other parties also got the third degree, and no bad thing – it was important to thrash out a good deal. 5/5” 18th October 2023 “Patrick was very impressive. He demonstrated that he had prepared thoroughly and had an excellent grasp of the issues. I was impressed with his bullish and proactive approach and I believe that settlement was achieved in no small part to Patrick. I would recommend Patrick and hope to work with him in future.  5/5" 11th July 2023

"Patrick's management of the mediation was excellent. In the plenary / joint sessions, Patrick navigated the parties smoothly through the points of contention / the parties' differences in the proceedings. Further, Patrick was able to identify key points that required clarification and led the parties through the clarification process with ease. In the Claimant's individual room, Patrick's thorough questioning of our case was reassuring, as we could be confident that the same was occurring in the Defendants' room.  5/5" 22nd May 2023

"Patrick came highly recommended as a mediator and did not disappoint. Patrick was clearly very well prepared and was on top of all of the key details in this complex group litigation with multiple heads of claim. He took the time to meet the legal representatives in advance to ensure that the multi-day mediation got off to a clear start on the first day. Patrick understood the need to listen and allow the parties to get matters off their chest as a necessary part of the mediation process. He was quickly able to establish a rapport with the parties and build up trust in the room with his confident and assuring manner. His no-nonsense attitude meant that both sides took a realistic approach when it mattered. Patrick’s skilful approach guided the parties to achieve settlement on all issues, in two thirds of the time that had been allocated for the mediation.  5/5" 13th 14th March 2023

"Patrick came highly recommended as a mediator and did not disappoint. Patrick was clearly very well prepared and was on top of all of the key details in this complex group litigation with multiple heads of claim. He took the time to meet the legal representatives in advance to ensure that the multi-day mediation got off to a clear start on the first day. Patrick understood the need to listen and allow the parties to get matters off their chest as a necessary part of the mediation process. He was quickly able to establish a rapport with the parties and build up trust in the room with his confident and assuring manner. His no-nonsense attitude meant that both sides took a realistic approach when it mattered. Patrick’s skilful approach guided the parties to achieve settlement on all issues, in two thirds of the time that had been allocated for the mediation.  5/5" 13th 14th March 2023

"Patrick was sensitive to the different needs of our clients and the opponent. He kept the mediation moving well and helped to secure a good result one day earlier than planned. I would use Patrick again.  4/5" 13th 14th March 2023

"Patrick is an exceptional mediator, well ahead of the game and his competitors. Absolutely first rate and his amazing skill and gravitas helped to get the deal done in a very difficult case. The clients were very relieved and pleased 5/5. Admin was excellent, very straight forward, on time and well organised.  5/5" 14th February 2023

"Patrick Walker continues to be perhaps the most relaxed and indeed best communicator operating. It is a huge assistance to have his input and the openness of the discussions that he engages in with clients. 5/5. Pre-mediation, mediation and indeed post-mediation administration were all first rate.  5/5" 14th February 2023

"Patrick was fair, concise, and efficient throughout. He put the client at ease, which really helped the process. Very impressed. The familiarisation session offered was helpful and made me more confident to deal with the technology over the two days. Would definitely recommend.  5/5" 9th and 10th January 2023

"Very well prepared. Excellent approach. Personable. I particularly like that Patrick challenges the parties and their positions. Too many mediators suffer from a blind “facilitation syndrome”. Patrick gets properly stuck in. The impression is that he genuinely cares.” The video mediation process is my preferred forum. Better (and more effective) than in-person. Allows a more productive dynamic. Reduces contention. IT process is faultless, easy and efficient. Idiot proof.  4.5/5" 9th and 10th January 2023

"Patrick was recommended by many of my colleagues and I was interested to see Patrick’s overall approach to mediation. Patrick managed to successfully encourage a constructive and positive dialogue, whilst equally testing our respective positions. Patrick was extremely enthusiastic and engaging which I believe in turn assisted both parties on achieving an excellent result. The use of ‘break out’ rooms and other functions made the mediation a very practical, efficient and user friendly experience. I would have no hesitation in utilising video mediation again in the future.  5/5" 9th and 10th January 2023

"Patrick was excellent as both parties tried to reach a settlement as the day went on – we were really impressed with his commerciality and in his ability to ask the difficult questions of all parties. 5/5 Video mediation - Barring technical issues at our end, I thought the balance between having inter-party meetings and being left to discuss with individual clients was really strong. A really good flow to the day. 5/5" 11th October 2022

"Patrick managed to steer the parties back to the right questions and test their position in what was a fairly heated opening session. Patrick’s challenges back to both sides allows each party to assess the risk involved with each of their respective legal positions and allow the parties to reach a resolution on the day. We found Patrick to be a very good mediator and will continue to instruct Patrick for future mediations. 5/5" 21st September 2022

"Very well prepared; identified the contentious issues and adopted a pragmatic approach on how to resolve them. 5/5" 21st September 2022

"What you hope for, and mostly but not always get, from a mediator. Calm, professional, orderly, willing to look at things from different angles if helps parties, encouraging without pressuring. 5/5" 15th September 2022

"What you hope for, and mostly but not always get, from a mediator. Calm, professional, orderly, willing to look at things from different angles if helps parties, encouraging without pressuring. 5/5" 15th September 2022

"Patrick handled the mediation well, knew when to put pressure on parties when needed, and had a practical approach 5/5. The video mediation process was good – no issues and easy to use. 5/5" 31st August 2022

"PW was perfectly suited to this one – the dynamics were difficult and emotions high. We valued Patrick's approach of being measured and empathetic, whilst being robust when necessary and offering constructive solutions. 5/5 The video mediation process worked well. It doesn't always work in my experience. The clarity provided by the pre-mediation note was a great help. 4/5" 28th July 2022

"Patrick Walker was perfectly suited to this one – the dynamics were difficult and emotions high. We valued Patrick's approach of being measured and empathetic, whilst being robust when necessary and offering constructive solutions worked well. 5/5 Video mediation doesn't always work in my experience. The clarity provided by the pre-mediation note was a great help" 4/5" 26th July 2022

"Patrick was excellent throughout the mediation and quickly got to grips with a very complex matter (both factually and legally). Patrick was very good at facilitating settlement discussions and made useful suggestions on appropriate offers and/or potential concessions whilst maintaining neutrality. The mediation would likely have failed but for Patrick’s involvement and final suggestions in the hope of reaching a middle ground the parties were happy with. The video conferencing was extremely useful and essentially replicated an in person mediation. The video conference process did not at any point prove to be a barrier in terms of communication and the mediator was easily available when needed, using the ‘raise hand’ button. The video process also offered useful opportunity for us to have private discussions and conferencing with the client and counsel The administration was flawless and the mediator was very well prepared in terms of prior work required to adequately engage in mediation on the day without any delay." 5/5" 24th June 2022

"Patrick was extremely professional, impartial and prepared; he had clearly read and understood all of the materials, despite the short-notice of the mediation and the filing of position statements. He worked tirelessly to bridge a seemingly intractable gap between the parties and helped them reach a potential settlement. In my opinion, video mediation works better than mediation in person. It provides an element of removal that you don’t get from being in person, which gives everyone the chance to sit back and take stock of the other side’s case. Zoom works particularly well as a platform for this. Patrick’s administration was quick and easy to deal with. 5/5" 16th June 2022

"Clearly understood the issues and dynamics: straight to the point 5/5. Video mediation works well, although the imperative to get something over the line when trapped in an office building is lost. 4/5" 15th June 2022

"Patrick was excellent as ever going straight to the nub of the case and concentrating minds on it. Though I was sceptical about virtual mediation initially I now wonder why we didn’t do them this way pre-pandemic – particularly where parties and advisors (and mediator) are spread all over the country. It works fantastically well and save hours of travelling – and lots of costs. 5/5" 11th April 2022

"Patrick was well prepared and had a clear grasp of the issues and the paperwork. He was respected by our clients and I know that he put both parties under pressure and challenged them on their way of thinking and assessment of the case. We were grateful for his various ways of trying to get us to a deal which sadly did not happen on the day but this was not down to Patrick. I would recommend him and use him again. He does command a high level of gravitas which is needed in handling complicated and complex disputes. The video mediation process works really well…The moving in and out of rooms was very slick and the easiest I have seen so far. 5/5" 8th April 2022

"This was a case which I did not expected could be resolved due to the personalities involved. The case did settle due to Patrick’s skills as a mediator. Would I use video mediation again? Yes of course, there is no going back for me now. Saves huge amount of time on travel and room hire. This is the way to go moving forward and Patrick was kind enough to provide all the parties with a video mediation tutorial in the days leading up to the mediation. 5/5" 8th March 2022

"Very good, thorough, had read the papers well and engaged well with the client. The video mediation process is excellent. There really is no difference between in person and video other than the benefit of video being that there are no delays in the commencement of the mediation. All round a much easier process and something that people should not be frightened of doing. 5/5" 30th November 2021

" Patrick was accommodating, thorough and fair throughout the entire process. He handled pre-negotiations professionally and with flexibility. On the day of the mediation he fairly tested our understanding of the case and the situation as a whole and worked incredibly hard to achieve a resolution that both parties could live with. He was balanced and impartial, with an overriding objective to make sure the parties understood the pros and cons of the settlement options and were treated equally and their respective interested were adequately protected by their legal advisors. 5/5. Video mediation works better that you may fear or expect. I had some technical issues which is a downside of this format but overall it ran smoothly and I would not hesitate to have a mediation by video again. 4/5" 25th November 2021

" Our first choice mediator for all of our cases, Patrick has put in another first class performance and is the difference between settlement occurring and not. Even when a problem presented itself at the end of the day, he was the one who solved it. Sceptics of video mediation should really try it. I was initially sceptical that it would have the same impact as an in-person mediation but it does appear to have the same impact. It also has considerable advantages for when one of the parties has domestic complications, such as occurred in this case. A normal mediation would have been called off but the video mediation meant that I was able to attend notwithstanding a covid diagnosis in my house. Overall – I would now say that video mediation is preferable to an in-person mediation. The administration was flawless. 5/5" 16th November 2021

" Clearly experienced and assured and, while with a light touch on the face of it, kept a firm hand on the mediation to keep it going with due pressure whenever needed. We needed persuasion to mediate by video, due to poor previous experience in the covid period, but (to our pleasant surprise) the mediation process was not impaired. All worked smoothly technically and practically. Settlement of the claim was reached by mid-afternoon. Significant progress was also made on a wider non-litigated issue between the parties. 5/5" 15th September 2021

" I found Patrick to be extremely helpful and one of the best mediators I have come across. He was excellent with the client, who felt very comfortable with him. He had a great balance between commercial risks and the frustrations of the client. I would certainly recommend and instruct Patrick again without hesitation. The video mediation process was easy to use and I would say easier than mediation in person. The administration was perfect. Everything was explained clearly before, during and after the mediation. A very smooth process. 5/5" 8th September 2021

" Patrick was excellent. Welcoming and friendly which put my client at ease. In terms of his approach and assisting the Parties to focus their minds I thought he intervened at appropriate intervals whilst allowing everyone to have their say. He raised thought provoking questions. His introduction to the process and instructions at the outset on the features of zoom was also helpful. 5/5" 6th September 2021

" I have mediated with a number of top tier mediators and Patrick stands out head and shoulders above the others. He is always very well prepared, which allows the mediation to progress constructively from the outset. Patrick will ask the right questions, “stress test” the evidence and play the devil’s advocate and always manages to conducts himself a firm but considered and compassionate manner. I would highly recommend Patrick as a mediator. The video mediation process is extremely effective, to the point that I see it as the norm going forward 5/5" 5th August 2021

" Patrick embraced the mediation with a very firm grasp of the key factual and legal issues involved. At all times, he conducted the session with a reassuring, good humoured and considered manner. This considerably helped the parties fully engage with one another, and ultimately, to reach an agreement. On our side, the members of the legal and client teams were very impressed with the smooth and charming approach that Patrick effortlessly deployed. The Zoom platform worked seamlessly. The private rooms and group sessions simulated an in-person session very effectively. 5/5" 21st July 2021

" The mediation was conducted in a very good way, challenging but we certainly felt that our views were being listened to and explained to the other side. It was not simply a question of how much do you want? It was a proper mediation wherein our views and other side’s responses were exchanged and considered. I found the Zoom mediation process very good. The use of the document share capacity in particular, is excellent. 5/5" 21st July 2021

" Excellent communication and very good at "testing" arguments to try to assist the parties in reaching a settlement.Zoom is a very good platform for mediation – the process was seamless (no technical issues) and saves time/costs in terms of travel etc. 5/5" 12th July 2021

" I found Patrick to be very helpful in the sense that he got to the root of the issues between the Parties and did his best to narrow the same. The video mediation process was excellent. It was easy to engage with, there were no technical issues and it was almost the same as an 'in-person' mediation, but without the travelling! I will do more video mediations even when the Covid restrictions are lifted. 5/5" 30th June 2021

" I was very pleasantly surprised with the effectiveness and ease of use of the video mediation process. I had some concerns before the day that the impact which the physical presence of the other party, lawyers and mediators can often have would be lost, and that this would have a negative impact on the prospects of reaching an agreement. Fortunately this was misplaced. The meeting was appropriately formal and focussed, whilst allowing additional flexibility and comfort for the parties which ultimately had a positive effect. 5/5" 10th May 2021

" This was a difficult case to mediate, covering several complex legal arguments in addition to difficult personal relationships between the parties. Patrick was highly effective, pragmatic and had an immediate grasp on the issues in play. His approach was clearly tailored to the individual parties which went a very long way to the successful outcome which was achieved. 5/5" 10th May 2021

" Very impressive – Patrick is straightforward, open with absolute integrity. He is highly experienced and knowledgeable inproperty law, and very quickly grasps the issues. I very much like his “ devil’s advocate” approach with the parties – something not all mediators do – which ensure both parties are tested on their possible weaknesses. He doesn’t push parties to reach a deal at any cost, and works with the parties to understand their positions. 5/5" 19th April 2021

" We were happy with the degree of control exercised by the mediator and the guidance provided to enable the parties to settle. 5/5. The concept of mediation works well with a video environment, such that when the pandemic is over, it ought to be used more widely in any event. The technology worked and an in person mediation would not have dealt with matters any better. It was nice to be home when the mediation concluded.4/5" 13th April 2021

" Patrick was excellent.  The familiarisation session in advance made everyone feel at ease with the technology.  He was supportive throughout and direct when necessary. I preferred a mediation via Zoom rather than in person.  The technology worked well, the clients/advisors were all comfortable, the break out rooms meant that confidential discussions could be had and everyone arrived on time (no problems with late trains etc) and when we finished, everyone was already at home. 5/5" 13th April 2021

" Patrick’s approach throughout was exactly what was required.  He was very helpful in the run-up to the mediation itself, directing us to prepare for the video format and ensuring everything worked to plan. During the mediation, Patrick was relatively “soft touch” and not pushy, which worked very well for my client and encouraged all parties to work collaboratively and sensibly. Some people might prefer face-to-face mediation but this process worked very well for all.  It was more efficient as a result of people not having to travel, and Patrick could move people between rooms with ease and ensuring complete confidence and confidentiality.  Documents could be shared easily and the attendees were all at ease because they were in their own preferred location. 5/5" 13th April 2021

" The Mediator was excellent. Cannot fault in any way. Patrick particularly helped put my clients to ease. He robustly challenged our position and this robust examination which I believe would also have taken place of the other sides case helped produce a result of a difficult dispute which had been going on for a number of years over various issues between the parties. The video mediation process was excellent. Particularly with familiarisation process. I am a bit of a technophobe and even I was impressed by share filing facility and the ability to call the Mediator back to our meeting room. I would not hesitate to recommend. 5/5" 8th April 2021

" I have attended a considerable number of mediations but this was my first experience by video. I was doubtful about the whole process but this had been somewhat tempered by a previous 3 day video trial. In the end I found the entire experience very satisfactory and I see no reason as a profession why we should ever revert to personal attendance. 5/5" 8th April 2021

" Patrick was excellent.  Got to the point quickly and without fuss.  Challenged points and achieved an outline for a settlement. The video mediation process was all very good.  Worked very well.  Was much more efficient than a live mediation and saved 10 people travelling for many hours. 5/5" 26th March 2021

" Patrick was brilliant at helping the parties understand the risks of litigation and challenged positions where helpful. He was calm and had oodle of gravitas. I would definitely recommend him. The video mediation process was fantastic - I would use this over face to face mediation any time. 5/5" 16th March 2021

" Patrick is an assured mediator and clearly has an excellent understanding of property law which inspires confidence that the other side’s legal arguments are being properly strength-tested. Patrick clearly explained the mediation process and the intricacies of the Zoom facilities which ensured that the mediation ran smoothly. I would not hesitate to recommend Patrick. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy and smooth the process was. 5/5" 9th March 2021

" Patrick was very good at establishing a positive rapport with clients and representatives alike. He has a calm, clear headed approach which encourages constructive thinking. The trial run put our clients at ease with the process in advance. We all felt secure in our private room and moved without difficulty into and out of joint sessions with our opponents. The ease of participation is a very definite plus with clients and representatives in different parts of the country. 5/5" 2nd March 2021

" Patrick 'read the room' from the very outset and his style of building rapport with the attendees, but pressing them on specific issues when this was required was really effective in moving matters along and building common ground between the parties. A number of my colleagues and friends have used Patrick as a mediator and have always commented on how effective he is. This was my first opportunity seeing him action – and the others I had spoken with had called it correctly. For the correct dispute I would certainly propose him for future mediations. For the dispute in question, the virtual mediation process worked surprisingly well. The share screen function allowed far greater interactivity between the parties on plans and drawings. It was very effective indeed. The pre-mediation Zoom introduction was invaluable and meant that the parties could focus on the issues at hand, rather than logistical issues on the day. 5/5" 2nd March 2021

" Patrick was thorough in his prep and understanding of the issues. He helped to guide the parties towards a settlement that seemed unlikely at the start of the day and right up until the end. We would recommend him to anyone considering mediation. Patrick made the video mediation process very simple and explained the process so that all involved could use the video platform without any issues. 5/5" 23rd February 2021

" The video mediation process works really well. I much prefer this to in person mediations. 5/5" 26th January 2021

" Patrick grasped and broke down complicated explanations/positions quickly and approached matters with commercial sense. Where needed, he focussed the parties ‘minds – ultimately this resulted in a settlement. 4/5 The video mediation ran smoothly – just as a physical mediation would have. The benefit of a video mediation means parties do not have any travel time and remain fresher for what is a potentially long and draining process. On balance, arguably virtual mediations are more cost effective and get to the heart of matters potentially quicker. 5/5" 21st January 2021

" Useful insight throughout and a calm and well-reasoned approach brought early pragmatic discussions and settlement. As a confirmed IT “luddite” I found the video mediation process revelatory and of huge assistance in helping to resolve the dispute. 5/5" 20th January 2021

" Very effective. Takes steps to make parties feel at ease. Clear explanations on the process and approachable. Video mediation was seamless, well explained and clearly demonstrated in familiarisation session. 5/5" 2nd January 2021

" Patrick is an excellent mediator who encouraged the parties focus on the key issues and explore practical compromises. He facilitates important dialogue in order to help the parties work through their differences. The video mediation process was highly effective and accommodated the traditional breakout and plenary sessions very well. I would have no hesitation in recommending or using the same service again, particularly given the travel/time savings to be made against conventional face-to-face mediation.5/5" 1st December 2020

" The video mediation process was great -why didn’t we do it this way before?! 5/5" 14th October 2020

" Patrick is an insightful and very effective mediator. I have attended many mediations but this was my first by video link. I am now a convert to the virtual mediation process. Indeed in some respects the virtual was an improvement on the traditional ‘in person’ format. 5/5" 14th October 2020

" Patrick worked extremely hard to bring the parties together to achieve a suitable compromise everyone could live with in circumstances where the claim had increased three-fold just days before the mediation. The Zoom mediation worked very well.5/5” We felt secure in our private room and the ability of the mediator to move people virtually enabled seamless plenary and side discussions to take place, no doubt much quicker than herding lots of people in person. We had doubts that we would be able to pick up on the more nuanced aspects of mediation, such as body language but it was surprising how much could be detected virtually.4/5" 14th October 2020

" Patrick is highly professional, and skilled in his approach as a mediator, he put the lay client at ease from the start of the process and was at pains to ensure he understood the needs aims and objectives of the parties. He had a good insight into the matter in hand, and had obviously fully read in. I would happily seek him out as a mediator in future. This was the first video mediation in which I had participated. It was well run and not intimidating, Patrick went to lengths to explain all that was required to put all the participants at ease. If you are able to switch on a tablet or computer then you will, with Patrick’s able assistance, be able to participate in an environment that most will feel is less stressful than physical face to face mediation. Privacy was easy to achieve and secure. Video would now be my first choice. 5/5" 8th October 2020

" Very relaxed, friendly and extremely knowledgeable. This was a very tricky case to settled I am certain we not have got there without Patrick! 5/5" 9th September 2020

" A very well organised mediation on zoom , the mediator was excellent at assisting on the mediation and we managed to get a great settlement with a difficult party and the whole day was very smooth. Fantastic manner, useful discussions and had clearly read and understood the case. The manner in which he conducts himself and drove the parties was successful. 5/5" 2nd September 2020

" Patrick was very helpful throughout all stages of the mediation process, facilitating parties to reach settlement. He was very thorough in explaining the process of the mediation and of the usage of the video conferencing software. Patrick ensured that we were all confident with the process that would be adopted on the day of the mediation. The video familiarisation session was very helpful for all participants, and particularly for the client who was not most familiar with the technology. Whilst the video mediation is a convenience during these current times, we note that there are many practical benefits such the ability to 'call the mediator' - which we found very useful. 5/5" 23rd July 2020

" Patrick adopts a very calm, methodical approach to the mediation, taking a very fair, reasonably and approachable manner. It was a pleasure to work with him. The video process was very workable and worthwhile. Having taken part in face to face mediations, I actually found the online process much more streamlined and effective. The day ran smoothly with no technological issues. Everything was very clearly explained by the mediator and administered very efficiently. 5/5" 23rd July 2020

" In what was a difficult case to mediate, Patrick managed the parties and sessions well, and interjected appropriately and whn needed to ensure that the parties stayed on track. His prompts and suggestions kept the sessions moving, and his style of testing the parties’ assertions was helpful. He was not afraid to step in if parties started to move away from key issues. The arrangements and rules of engagement were very clear, and the familiarisation session run by Patrick was very well received by the teams and clients. 5/5" 23rd July 2020

" This was my first mediation by video, and I thought it was very effective. Any fears of the arrangements and how it would work were dispelled in the familiarisation session run by Patrick, and he was very clear and deliberate in the way in which he moved experts and lawyers into “meeting” rooms, full sessions, and break-out rooms. I did not feel that the mediation was any less effective than if it had happened in person, with all parties being visible on screen, and documents being shared on screen as and when necessary. 4/5" 23rd July 2020

" I genuinely do not see how Patrick could have been better as a mediator. Throughout the preparation he was very helpful – particularly as none of the 6 parties or their solicitors had any experience of a remotely-conducted mediation, and were quite sceptical as to whether it could work at all – firm where necessary in the mediation itself, but unfailingly courteous and constructive. I do not see how it could have gone better. Based on that experience, I would recommend remote mediation even when lockdown is lifted as an effective and cost-saving alternative. 5/5" 25th June 2020

" Very flexible and fuss free – simple mediation agreement provided and easy communication via email/phone as required. 5/5" 4th June 2020

" Flexible and adaptable approach to suit the parties and the specific case. We ended up needing a little more time and running into a second day, and we were grateful that Patrick was able to accommodate this at short notice and without any fuss. The video mediation platform was easy to use, required no installation of any App or software, and the mediator was clearly fully familiar with the system. At the start of the day, the mediator explained clearly in advance what to do if something went wrong during the process. He also offered at no charge a familiarisation session, which was appreciated. Video mediation represents a cost-saving for the parties because there is no venue charge – the mediator is able to offer the video mediation platform free of charge. 5/5" 4th June 2020

" Patrick was excellent. No “personal” connection lost with Patrick despite it being by Zoom. Initial reluctance but the pre-zoom helped immensely. Patrick was excellent and very well versed with the video mediation process. 5/5" 24th May 2020

" Patrick most definitely went the extra mile in ensuring settlement on this matter which was a long running dispute which led to a long running mediation into the early hours. He played devil’s advocate at the appropriate time but provided support at other times . I will most definitely use Patrick again in the future and have already recommended him to my colleagues. I was concerned in relation to whether a Zoom mediation would be as successful as attending in person. I am not 100% convinced that it is a better way of mediating but it certainly was a positive experience for me in that the video quality was good from a visual and sound perspective and it certainly felt as if we were in the same room with all of the other parties. 5/5" 24th May 2020

" Patrick is a superb mediator with all the right skills and traits to get the best outcome for all involved. Yesterday was my first experience of a mediation conducted by video conferencing. I was unsure if it would be as effective as a face to face version. I was very pleasantly surprised. The technology works very well, and Patrick has the necessary expertise with it. After a few hours I had almost forgotten that it was a video experience as we began to focus on the issues and negotiation just as you would in a traditional mediation. As the Head of a Property Litigation Team I have whole heartedly recommended video mediating to my team during the current virus restrictions. It really can work. Indeed this could be the start of video mediating by choice! 5/5" 25th March 2020

" Patrick's offer to demonstrate how the mediation using 'Zoom' would work on the day expelled all my reservations(which were many!) regarding conducting a tripartite mediation using video conferencing. Patrick is extremely knowledgeable about Zoom and guided and reminded us of the various tools on Zoom throughout the day. The day (which very long day ) went smoothly and extremely well (we reached a settlement). We all very quickly forgot that we were using video conferencing (all parties and their representatives were dialling in from their respective homes). The ability to share documents using 'share screen ' is an excellent tool as it enabled the parties (and Patrick) to see documents (plans, annotations on documents, drafting etc). Patrick is an excellent mediator and handled the difficult negotiations between the smoothly and expertly. I have no hesitation in recommending Patrick and mediation of course via Zoom. 5/5" 25th March 2020

" Patrick ensured everyone was at ease and kept informed as much as possible. His knowledge of the online mediation rooms was exceptional, with only a few minor hiccups throughout the day. The online nature of the mediation in no way hindered a deal being reached, and may in some situations helped matters as meetings could be held quickly and documents edited in real time. Patrick was able to drop into rooms quickly and the call feature really helped. 5/5" 25th March 2020

" I was nervous about how the mediation process would work via Zoom, particularly with the claimant and two defendants is separate rooms in case we would either lose connection or be put in the wrong 'place' at the wrong time. However, it proved very successful. We have reached a settlement in a relatively timely matter and were able to share documents easily amongst our colleagues and the other parties using the screen sharing facility.5/5" 25th March 2020

" We were pleasantly surprised by the video mediation process, and assured that we can work differently and still reach the outcomes we strive for – I would definitely recommend. 5/5" 25th March 2020

Face to face Mediation Feedback

" Very good approach to dispute, picked up the key issues quickly 5/5" 26th February 2020

" Mr Walker's experience was hugely valuable in the negotiations during the course of the day. Our client informed us that they felt instantly reassured after the initial meeting in what was a very difficult day for them. A result was achieved which I feel will have saved both parties a huge amount of further expense and worry and much of this was down to the mediation service so evenly provided throughout the day my Mr Walker. Genuinely a pleasure to deal with on a stressful day for all involved. Many thanks. 5/5" 17th February 2020

" A consummate professional as always. Patrick's calm yet assertive manner, swift grasp of the issues and skill in ensuring that the parties are focused on the ultimate goal of settlement on the day has ensured his 100% success rate so far and the reason he would always be first choice for our mediation requirements. His experience is very apparent in his demeanour and way of dealing with people in, what are often, stressful circumstances. 5/5" 10th February 2020

" I really appreciated Patrick's mediation style. It was important to stress test both sides throughout the day and this helped our client in its understanding of where the strengths and the weaknesses of their claim may lie. Patrick was pragmatic and warm throughout and was a big assistance in helping the parties reach settlement. 5/5" 10th February 2020

" A most satisfactory result was achieved in what could have been a very challenging mediation. This was due to most astute handling of the day by the mediator, who was clearly on top of the issues and able to challenge the parties including on complex restrictive covenant points 5/5" 7th January 2020

" Patrick's nous, experience and skill, inspired my client with confidence. His probing yet equitable manner adopted in our room, (and no doubt with our opponents too) coupled with his insight into the agricultural sector, bridged the gap between the parties and ultimately provided them with the best opportunity to amicably settle the matter. I would highly recommend him to clients and opponents alike, in the future. 5/5" 3rd December 2019

" Worked hard to ensure the parties reached their final positions at which point the deal was done Very good at building trust and confidence with the parties and lawyers 5/5" 3rd December 2019

" Patrick was an excellent mediator and I would highly recommend him. He was clearly very well prepared and raised queries which evidenced this even before the mediation, During the mediation he asked questions which showed had reviewed the papers in depth, noting details raised by both parties to help the parties address different issues. With this mediation there was a rather dramatic change of position from the other side just before the actual meeting and Patrick worked with the parties pragmatically to help both sides understand that offer(s) could still be made. He had the right balance of leaving the parties to put their own positions forward in the joint meeting and confidently interjecting when appropriate. In the individual sessions he was also adept at playing devil's advocate to the right degree while helping the client to keep his emotions in check when deciding how to respond. I was generally very impressed and imagine that Patrick is well able to adapt his style to different types of personalities and disputes. 5/5" 4th November 2019

" Mr Walkers approach was fair firm and even handed, he provided guidance when required in a clear and professional manner. He provided guidance to the parties when required whilst allowing them the time and spece to consider their respective positions. 5/5" 18th October 2019

" You were directive within your role and ensured that the parties explored all opportunities for settlement and importantly we reached an agreement. 5/5" 9th October 2019

" Patrick had clearly studied the papers closely before the mediation and was well prepared. His manner put the clients at ease and his explanation of the mediation process was clear for the lay clients. He challenged the parties where necessary and was eager to exhaust all options. However, he was not a "pushy" mediator and clearly wanted a settlement that both parties could accept. He kept going even when it looked like settlement was impossible and I am not sure other mediators would have achieved the same result. His experience as a mediator, and judge, definitely showed. 5/5" 22nd August 2019

" Excellent from start to finish. Quickly understood the issues and tested both parties' positions. Highly intuitive encouraging the parties to a position that both could live with. 5/5" 22nd August 2019

" I was extremely pleased with the way Patrick handled what was an emotionally charged mediation. Also, his strategy in relation to how various offers and positions were put to us and the other side caused us to proactively move towards a resolution in a timely manner. 5/5" 29th July 2019

" Dealt effectively with emotive and commercial issues between parties, who can sometimes be awkward. Kept the parties focussed on the important issues and achieved significant movement from starting positions. 5/5" 29th July 2019

" Patrick is an excellent mediator who I cannot recommend highly enough. His ability to grasp such a complex case with so many moving parts and issues to resolve in such a short space of time with numerous folders of documents to absorb was seriously impressive. He was on top of the papers and the issues and able to hit the ground running from the first moment on the day. He was personable, easy to engage with and very flexible as to how the day would pan out logistically. This was very helpful with the client and helped build a rapport in the room which made the day far less stressful for him. 5/5" 6th June 2019

" Patrick's no-nonsense approach ensures the parties "cut to the quick" on even the thorniest of issues. Unsurprisingly, his settlement success rate is high. I would highly recommend him. 5/5" 2nd May 2019

" Patrick had full command of the brief, quickly understood the dynamics, was sensitive and creative in facilitating a resolution. It was a pleasure to work with him. 5/5" 24th April 2019

" Where I particularly considered that Patrick distinguished himself from other mediators is his assistance in helping my client formulate how he was to present a particular point and/or offer to the other side so that it carried most weight. Understandably the client would on occasions become bogged down in the detail of the claim but Patrick was effective at ensuring focus was kept on the bigger issues. 5/5" 4th April 2019

" Very helpful and would thoroughly recommend 5/5" 19th February 2019

" Patrick did an excellent job of putting the client at ease and ensuring that he understood the process. He worked hard throughout the day on pushing negotiations forward and whilst we did not settle on the day we did two days later. 5/5" 11th January 2019

" Highly skilled, striking the right balance between empathy and stress testing in terms of the parties' subjective and objective positions 5/5" 20th October 2018

" We, by which I mean my colleague and I, our QC and our client, were extremely impressed with the way that Patrick handled the mediation. It was a difficult and challenging mediation. It had all the hallmarks of going down in history as being the shortest ever mediation but Patrick, through his experience and perseverance, kept the mediation on track despite the fact that some of those attending had lost the will to live let alone the desire to reach a settlement. Patrick quickly gained the trust and confidence of the people in our room. Unlike some mediators I have used in the past, Patrick was well prepared and had a clear understanding of the issues. 5/5" 30th August 2018

" We really didn't expect to settle given their bullish approach. Impressed that Patrick managed to broker something. 5/5" 20th August 2018

" Good balance of challenging the parties' respective position and finding common ground
in order to develop a settlement proposal. Pragmatic and commercial approach. 5/5" 20th August 2018

" Patrick was as excellent as ever. Well prepared, quickly grasped the issues and despite the mediation starting off on a particularly intransigent footing, Patrick's persistence paid off in getting the parties to start speaking the same language and moving them to a position where agreement was possible. 5/5" 19th June 2018

" Really excellent. The mediator was very proactive, quickly won the trust of my clients and made very helpful suggestions as the day progressed . He was very instrumental in keeping both parties engaged when otherwise the mediation might have been ended and in securing the settlement. 5/5" 18th April 2018

" Controlled the process very well...approachable, authoritative whilst likeable and knowledgeable. Would without hesitation consider the process again as a viable option to litigation and definitely Patrick would be a prime contender. 5/5" 10th April 2018

" Patrick Walker is one of the best mediators around - he is very much in demand and for good reason. He immediately engenders confidence with the parties. Whilst his approach is flexible, he's very good at being proactive where he perceives that to be the best way of moving the discussion forward. 5/5" 13th February 2018

" Very experienced. Excellent control in difficult circumstances with challenging clients. There are few who would have succeeded the way Patrick did. 5/5" 12th February 2018

" As always, Patrick built rapport and trust effectively with the clients and was pro-active throughout. My no.1 choice for property mediations. Glowing feedback from my clients who appreciated his humour and honesty and described him as a really nice guy. Good taste in music. 5/5" 30th October 2017

" Patrick appeared to have read all of the information both parties had provided, and was fully aware of the situation (which sets him apart from many mediators I have dealt with!). He was also very client friendly and struck the right tone with our client, who can be difficult. He also seemed to genuinely care that settlement was reached and was open and honest throughout the mediation. 5/5" 30th October 2017

" This was a "tricky" claim for professional negligence against a broker. The case was aggressively fought from day one with London Lawyers. Patrick's identification of the "headline issues" and expert handling and manoeuvring was immensely helpful towards a resolution and all within the business day. Patrick's diplomacy and application was excellent. The client expressed his full trust and confidence in Patrick from very early on and felt at ease with Patrick throughout the whole day. 5/5" 26th September 2017

" was really not expecting our mediation to be such an easy experience. The process was so streamline and with very little stress. I don't think we would ever have got to this point of settlement without the help of Patrick and would absolutely advise anyone to look at the mediation process as early as possible. Not normally a testimonial type person but would definitely give 10/10 for our experience 5/5" 2nd August 2017

" Patrick's skills and experience were particularly suited to facilitating settlement of this potentially complex dispute. 5/5" 23rd August 2017

" Adept at putting clients at ease while facilitating focus on the key issues. An excellent mediator who we would use whenever possible. 5/5" 15th June 2017

" Excellent. Achieved settlement in a bitter, complex case with a divided family. Professional and painstaking from the first to last. 5/5" 16th May 2017

" Patrick's obvious emotional intelligence allows him to keep the parties engaged whilst at the same time testing the issues to really move matters on. He has a range of techniques which he uses both to encourage parties to see their cases from a different perspective and at the same time to encourage the parties to bridge the gap. He is incredibly creative and effective. When so many mediators simply go through the motions I have found Patrick's approach to be so much more effective in bringing the parties to a position where it is possible to achieve settlement. Outstanding. 5/5" 26th April 2017

" Patrick managed to "crack" a very difficult case involving multiple parties some with very difficult personalities and initial reluctance to engage in ADR let alone settle. Well done Patrick as without your assistance, expert guidance and playing "devil's advocate" this case would not have settled at mediation. 5/5" 28th April 2017

" I was impressed with how quickly Patrick grasped the key issues. He was also very calm and patient. 5/5" 26th April 2017

" Good understanding of the important legal and emotive points of each party. Clearly read the papers well. Was firm but fair with my client and therefore presumably with the opponent. 5/5" 11th April 2017

" Very good rapport established with both clients in an emotionally charged family partnership dispute. Although a settlement was not reached very good progress was made with the gap narrowing significantly. 5/5" 30th March 2017

"The Mediator's 'bedside manor' and how he dealt with the parties was excellent, being firm when he needed to be and empathetic in equal measure. 5/5" 7th March 2017

"Patrick was very approachable, instantly built a good rapport with clients and gave his 100 per cent throughout the day in finding a resolution which was acceptable to my client.. The case was particularly difficult as the evidence dated back some years, proceedings issued just within limitation and the claimants unable to prove large parts of its case due to the passage of time. The defendant a well known PLC had engaged London Solicitors and Counsel took an extremely aggressive stance right from the outset and attempted to have "a trial by mediation". Patrick with his legal knowledge, background and judicial experience was able to handle the opposition very well and managed each parties expectations. The parties were brought together only when required as Patrick was able to read the delicate nature of the case recognising the risk that the wrong tactic may result in the disengagement of one of the parties. A settlement was expected to be difficult at the outset but with Patricks perseverance, cool head, and expert direction a final settlement was achieved within a reasonable time – all within the business day. Thank you Patrick. 5/5" 20th February 2017

"Patrick was very well prepared for the (2 day) mediation with a good grasp of the various complex issues at the start of day 1. Patrick conducted the mediation with skill, gravitas and good humour and used an appropriate amount of 'stress-testing' of the parties' respective arguments in order to put a structure around what a settlement would look like and to help bring the parties closer together. Whilst a settlement was not achieved at mediation, the process was nonetheless very constructive and at the very least has opened a door to the possibility of a resolution after 7 years of embattled litigation. 5/5" 1st February 2017

"Patrick worked hard to get traction in negotiations between parties with initial entrenched positions. He is always professional, well prepared and quickly grasps the issues and dynamics of the day. He is a pleasure to work with. I was particularly impressed with his willingness to get involved in negotiations following the mediation. 5/5" 19th January 2017

"Patrick is a first class mediator with numerous skills and attributes that made the day go very smoothly. He was not afraid to press us and get us to think differently at times and was a good referee when matters became heated. He commanded respect from the parties and was sympathetic when needed. Would definitely recommend" 5/5" 28th November 2016

"Very skilled and helped to achieve an excellent result for both parties. 5/5" 14th November 2016

"Very calm able facilitator. 5/5" 27th September 2016

A great flexible approach to the day which allowed the legal representatives to meet in the early course (without clients) in the interests of moving forward with some of the main issues in dispute. Particularly helpful at 'reality checking' the client...It was also clear at the outset of the day that Patrick had carefully read through the mediation bundle and has quickly grasped the issues to include the likely settlement options for the parties. This was of great assistance in ensuring focus was not lost during the day on discussing settlement options that were neither realistic nor feasible. 5/5" 27th September 2016

"My no 1 mediator in the country for heavyweight property disputes. Client feedback (from a client who doesn't give praise lightly); 'I thought the Mediator was at the very least a good few blocks ahead of the previous one, a nice guy who got it very quickly. Certainly a man to use again.' 5/5" 6th September 2016

"Patrick had a relaxed by focused style and quickly put clients at ease. His approach is flexible and encourages different methods of narrowing the issues and identifying common ground. Was also helpful at the drafting stage. 5/5" 22nd June 2016

"Very impressed with Mr. Walker. He made our clients feel at ease, and we settled in circumstances that seemed impossible! 5/5" 12th May 2016

"Patrick is one of the best mediators in this part of the world. His relaxed yet composed style and depth of knowledge makes him an outstanding mediator. 5/5" 19th April 2016

"Patrick's calming influence and grasp of key issues helped focus the minds of participants leading to a mediated settlement on a difficult case with which both parties could live. Absolutely no hesitation in recommending Patrick for the future. 5/5" 30th March 2016

"Handled a very difficult situation well. Very pleased to have him involved. He assisted in all aspects of getting the situation resolved. 5/5" 30th March 2016"

"Mr. Walker's input was instrumental to an agreement being reached in difficult and acrimonius circumstances. 5/5" 4th February 2016

"Patrick was first rate. He was the right choice for this type of dispute and has the expertise and gravitas to control and manage the parties. He is very good at identifying the key issues and getting the parties to focus on them. He brings a crucial objectivity that helps the parties really test the strengths and weaknesses of their respective cases, which in this case allowed the parties to move from their entrenched positions to reach an agreement that did not look possible at the start of the day. 5/5" 27th January 2016

"Everyone agreed that the mediator did a great job explaining the mediation process and then enabling the parties to reach an agreed settlement, without forcing the parties to meet or do anything that they felt uncomfortable with. Some mediators can be too forceful with regard to how they think the mediation should run and a lot of the time this would involve the parties meeting face to face at some point during the mediation. However, my client, for personal reasons, really didn't want to meet the Claimant and no pressure for her to do anything that she didn't feel comfortable with was brought to bear on her by the mediator. Overall we were extremely pleased with the mediator and his approach from start to finish. 5/5" 25th January 2016

"Patrick worked hard to help the parties reach a deal in a difficult and unpredictable mediation. There is no way this would have settled on these terms (if at al) without his involvement. Patrick rolls up his sleeves is well prepared and offers valuable, sensible and, timely input. I like that he gets involved in discussions about the settlement agreement. I would definitely instruct and recommend Patrick in future. 4/5" 9th November 2015

"As ever - brilliant. Job sorted. What else can one say? 5/5" 9th November 2015

"Patrick was an excellent choice of mediator. He worked hard with each party, testing their case and playing devil's advocate. He shuttled tirelessly between the parties' rooms and ultimately assisted us in achieving a sensible settlement. 5/5." 29th October 2015

"Tested the client's position without being too pushy. Successfully diffused tension between the parties during the session and helped to achieve a positive settlement. 5/5." 29th September 2015

"I particularly want to say how expertly you fulfilled your role on the 17th. You were immensely clear and, while maintaining essential neutrality, showed a benign and sympathetic courtesy which made what could have been an intimidating or unpleasant affair entirely civilised and affable: I am tempted to say 'enjoyable'! Thank you so much for the difficult part you played in brokering a solution. It is certainly one I can live with and bestows freedom from an obstacle that has taken up far too much of my life already." 17th September 2015.

"Excellent mediator. His legal knowledge helped immensely in case with complex issues surrounding suppersession and diminution in value. Although the mediation was unsuccessful on the day the process was very helpful to both sides and helped to narrow the issues between the parties. The case then settled two months later. Highly recommend. 4/5." 17th June 2015 

"Patrick helped the parties achieve a good settlement in respect of a difficult dispute 5/5." 30th April 2015

An excellent mediator - the best I have come across. I thought the chances of an agreement were very low but the mediation succeeded. My clients were impressed. 5/5". 31st March 2015

"I was really impressed with how quickly you got to grip with the issues and the deftness with which you maintained momentum throughout the day 5/5." 11th February 2015

"Patrick showed he remains a first-class mediator and our firm's go-to mediator. A strong intellect balanced with characteristic gravitas (and good humour) allowed a long-running dispute to be settled following a one-day mediation. Patrick was client friendly with an ability to distil a case to its essence quickly. Patrick showed complete mastery of the facts and issues involved. 5.5" 28th January 2015

"I was extremely impressed with Patrick's style and manner. His understanding of the issues was superb, and knew how to focus each party on the main issues to effect a settlement with the other side. 5/5" 27th January 2015

"Patrick was a friendly and very effective mediator and secured the resolution of a very tricky case. 4/5” 27th January 2015

We have used Patrick previously and always been impressed. We wil certainly instruct him again on appropriate matters. His vast experience as a Barrister and a Judge is undoubtedly of benefit. Whilst this matter did not settle at the mediation, this is in no way a reflection on Patrick, who worked tirelessly in pursuit of a resolution." 22nd October 2014

"Very effective, knowledgeable and well prepared. 5/5" 24th September 2014

"We thought that Patrick was very good indeed. He had an easy going and relaxed manner about him which encouraged dialogue but he was not afraid to challenge the parties on their position either privately or in open forum. He brought a sense of realism to the proceedings very quickly. Our clients have said that they would not hesitate to recommend Patrick and indeed they did so within a week of the mediation. 5/5" 28th August 2014

"Patrick was very good. He has an easy/approachable manner, which helps put clients at ease. He was quite open about wanting to 'test' the strength of the parties' positions and in doing so our clients felt that he was putting our arguments across to the other side as best he could. He did not give the impression that he was pushing for a settlement "at any cost". 4/5 14th July 2014

"Well managed mediation: I always felt the matter was moving forward as quickly as it could - and heads of terms were agreed in a difficult case. 5/5" 14th July 2014

"Mr. Walker was a re-assuring presence in a difficult situation. His calm but considered approach helped enormously. I also appreciated his post mediation assistance in facilitating negotiations. 5/5" 26th June 2014

"Mediator was excellent. Challenged throughout robustly. Just what the case required. Never gave up. 5/5" 5th June 2014

"Very impressed. Incisive and properly challenging within his ambit. 4/5" 4th June 2014

"Very effective and personable. Had fully briefed himself. The way in which he approached the mediation didn't have the feel of a standardised process but one where the Mediator had thought about the dynamics of the parties. One of the easiest mediations I have had. 5/5" 3rd June 2014

"I wasn't in the other side's room but I have no doubt your skills were crucial in securing the settlement reached. You are up there with the best I have used and I would certainly use you again." 5/5" 19th May 2014

"Very good. Extremely able and professional throughout. 5/5" 16th April 2014

"I found the mediator to be very personable and was impressed by his professionalism. I thought evidently he showcased skill and experience in knowing when to deploy the various strategies available. 4/5" 16th April 2014

"I found Patrick Walker to be an ideal choice of mediator. I have done a number of these mediations and the style and character of mediators varies enormously. I believe and so did the clients that Patrick brough a significant amount of charm, considered assertiveness and focussed persuasion to the event which led to a satisfactory result in what had been a somewhat acrimonious case. 5/5" 4th December 2013

"I thought it was a faultless service. Your calm and considered approach certainly set the right tone for the mediation. I thought you tested the arguments in a manner that was both respectful and thought provoking. Importantly, I also thought you gave the parties sufficient opportunity to consider their own positions and how they wanted to proceed, rather than rail-roading them into a particular course of action. 5/5" 4th December 2013

"As always, excellent. Knowledgeable, personable and authoritative. 5/5" 20th November 2013

"Excellent. Really impressed with the way in which the legal issues were identified quickly, and Patrick's ability to ensure parties faced up to the strengths of the other party's position. 5/5" 20th November 2013

"We found Patrick Walker to be very experienced, approachable, professional and flexible. He explained both his approach and the nature of the mediation to our clients both at the beginning and throughout.. 4/5" 21st October 2013

"Pro-active, patient and very client friendly. Patrick effortlessly navigated problematic legal and long-standing emotional issues, and helped to facilitate an unanticipated rapprochement between the parties and a practical workable settlement. 5/5" 2nd July 2013

"Has a great bedside manner in terms of putting clients at ease and explaining his role and the mediation process. The key to a good mediator is to quickly identify the real battleground and then to work the parties toward a truce whilst navigating around the potential deal breaking minefields. Patrick has a genuine skill in being able to achieve this. 5/5" 20th March 2013

"Patrick drove negotiations from early in the day and made good decisions about how the day was structured. He was also excellent with the clients and supportive to the solicitors throughout. 5/5" 19th March 2013

"Patrick is easy to deal with and capable of challenging the parties' positions whilst proactively engineering a settlement. Patrick has a good manner with clients. 5/5" 19th March 2013

Administration feedback

" Painless "

"Straightforward. No fuss and transparent fees."

"The mediator's administration of the mediation was uncomplicated and very straight forward. Everyone knew what they had to do and when they had to do it by."

"Very hands on".

"Highly professional."

"Good communication and housekeeping ran absolutely smoothly."

"The administration was excellent with the mediation being set up at very short notice."

"Very good."


"The mediation agreement was well drafted and easy for the clients to understand. Patrick usefully telephoned me to discuss his approach the day before."

"Good administration and clear communication prior to the mediation."

"Patrick was easily contactable prior to the mediation to make arrangements, and was flexible with dates and timings."

"Very organised."

"Administration was smooth. Patrick was very flexible in relation to documents and preparatory work. This helped to give the mediation a good start."

"Very efficient."




Click here to download Patrick Walker's CV

Patrick Walker
Tel: 07912 888851
Sundial Farm
West Yorkshire
LS21 2JQ
Website by Mullin.co.uk